Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's ON, Debbie! :0)

Since I posted this picture on New Year's Eve of Debbie laughing, and since I ALWAYS have my camera shoved in SOMEONE'S face, my sister in law Debbie decided to get even by posting this. Ok, Debbie, It is so ON! ha ha

Seriously, we love to cut up and always have such a good time when we're together and laughter always abounds. Who needs laughter more than our 2 households with TEENAGERS????

Don't look so innocent....YES, you!

Debbie dances to her own beat and the rest of us just follow along 'cause she's the one having all the fun!

See...lots of laughter when we're together!

Love ya too Debbie! See you tomorrow and be ready to see more flashing lights!!!


E @ Scottsville said...

Tammy - I think you were a slight bit TOO nice. Scared?

Debbie - you lucked out, didn't you??? =0)

Tammy said...

Yep...scared if I'm too mean of what she'll post next!!!

Plus I'm just a super nice sister in law. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Whew wiping brow.... thanks for the "nice" blog... and you know that you are jealous cause I dance to my own beat.. Yep she's scared Erica.. he he he


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