Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Family Christmas

Sunday morning's worship service wasn't our typical congregational singing and sermon. As has become an annual tradition of our church family, church members and their family and special guests presented special Christmas music. There was a short sermon, but the focus of the morning was on the offerings of worship through music. This Sunday was the first time I was able to listen and watch a "Family Christmas" as prior years I've been in the nursery during every church service. I am enjoying being able to be present during moving services such as these. It was a beautiful service and many participated. They were all touching and the service was certainly heartfelt. I think the entire congregation was in tears when our friends's son "Deano" sang his solo "Special Delivery." He messed up in the middle of the song, but was able to continue anyway after a hug of encouragement from his Uncle Terry who accompanied him on the keyboard. I think every heart in the room went out to that little boy as he struggled to finish his song. It was a beautiful piece and he did an excellent job.

Terry and Deano

Michael, one of my Sunday School kids, is taking piano lessons from my friend Denise. He played "Away in a Manger" and did an excellent job!

Our friend Richard plays the saxophone. He and his wife Nancy (accompanying him on the keyboard) did a beautiful job Sunday.

Bethany (another of my SS kids) also takes piano lessons from her mom, Denise. She played "O Come All Ye Faithful" on the keyboard. I'm so proud of you, Bethany!!!

Heather has begun practicing pretty regularly with a group of musicians at church to present special music from time to time. Sunday they played "Joy to the World."

Greg on the barritone, Rodney on trumpet, Heather on French horn, Richard on the sax, and not pictured is Nancy on the keyboard.

Our music minister Rodney (Heather calls him "Uncle Rodney") and Heather during the "Ensemble's" presentation.

Beautiful music, everyone!!!


Most of the children's Sunday School classes are in the middle of Christmas craft projects. Lisa and Marty's Sunday School class made these awesome nativity sets out of flower pots!

Jake proudly displays his nativity.


Anonymous said...

the nativity is very cute!!! wish i could here the music!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Micheal play a christmas song???

Tammy said...

You're right Bill. He did. Thanks for catching that. I did not type the words that were in my head at all! I knew what he played but when I typed the "A", I just automatically typed Amazing Grace instead of Away in a Manger! Tells you how my day's started! :0)

Maria said...

Aww. Those kids looked so cute. What guts! I don't think I could have done that, espesially when I was little!


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