Christmas morning found me to be the first one awake and waiting for Marty and Heather to get up so we could all open presents! Both were sure I'd be the last one up but Marty, who is usually up before the rest, was the last. It's funny how Christmas morning begins later and later as Heather gets older! I can remember well all the Christmas mornings lying in bed and hearing tiny feet hit the floor and run into the living room to see what Santa left...soon to be followed by squeals of deligt as she'd run to our room and show us her goodies. She doesn't wake us up anymore but she still gets up very early to see what Santa left and goes back to bed until the rest of us get up.
See, here's proof that I did finally get all the gifts wrapped and put under the tree!

We all take turns opening gifts and Heather usually opens the first wrapped gift every year.

Heather is loving having a job and her own money. I think she really enjoyed choosing Christmas gifts for family this year! I love the blouse she chose for me and the gift certificate for tanning as well! She was so excited to go with me to the motorcycle shop so she could get Marty stuff for the bike!

I was on the lookout for a nice leather jacket for Marty for going out or going to church. The one he wears riding just doesn't work well for anything else! I found the perfect one at the outlet mall and it's the softest leather I have ever felt. His Mom paid half so this gift is from both of us.

I think I can safely say from the look on Heather's face that she loves the "skinny jeans" I found for her! I love that she had this look on her face ALL day long and it was obvious to all she was in a great mood all day!

Unwrapping gifts:

Marty got gadgets for his computer! I got him a racing game, a wireless mouse, an mp3 player and a flash drive. Funny thing is, we all 3 got new flash drives from each other this year!

Apparently I got a little carried away with the tape....

It is so awesome to have a hubby so supportive of my hobby! I got a newer version of my Heather got my old one!

Cool!! A new camera!!
Looks like you had a great Christmas and congrats on the new camera!
Glad y'all had a nice Christmas, too. Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas! Sorry I am late on wishing you guys a merry Christmas! Looks like Santa came to your house as well!
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