Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Day of Goofy Family FUN!!!

We spent another afternoon yesterday with Marty's family. After watching "Mama Mia" everyone wondered outside. While Mike and Debbie played pool in my inlaws' game room, Marty and my father in law Freddie pitched horseshoes. Billie and I chatted while all this was going on and I suggested we join the horseshoes when the guys finished. I hadn't played in YEARS and as I tried to remember exactly when I'd last played, I realized it was when the kids were little and she'd hosted a family reunion at her house in Wyoming. That was a long time ago, so I held no high hopes of doing well with horseshoes this time. Marty and I played against Billie and Freddie and we lost. I made a few points but mostly any points earned were by Marty. Then Marty and I played Mike and Debbie and Debbie and I scored more points than the fellas! My grandpa (who first taught me to play horseshoes when I was small) would have been proud! We were definitely on a roll! There was much heckling from both the guys and the gals. The horseshoe fun had to end all too soon so we could eat dinner and head to town for an evening of bowling. We sure got some goofy shots while we played though!

Marty sent his horseshoe flying. He and I played against Freddie and Billie.
Marty_Freddie horseshoes

Freddie's turn.
Freddie horseshoes

Our spectators, Mike and Debbie. At times they looked like the paparazzi!

It's been years since I've done this, but apparently I've still got it! :0)
Tammy horseshoes2

My mother in law Billie shows us how it's done.
Billie horseshoes

Mike and Marty crack me up with how serious they take all their games. The look on Mike's face as he concentrates is so funny!
Mike horseshoes

Marty shows Debbie and me how to measure for points.
Marty_Tammy_Debbie horseshoes

I scored a point! Woo hoo!
Tammy horseshoes

And I got a RINGER!!!! Even though Debbie was my opponent, she celebrated with me. We had so much fun being so goofy all afternoon!
Tammy_Debbie horseshoes

Debbie had a victory dance when she scored.
Debbie horseshoes

What fun times families can have together!!!


C and C Mommy said...

silly faces!!!!!

Sherri Kaye said...

I love time with family like you had today. Sounds like you had a great Christmas too!

Gram said...

What fun! Aren't you glad we had such good weather?

Anonymous said...

Just showed Freddie the blog and he wants to know where is the one of Mike in his girlie pose? Is was a great day. We'll have to do it again soon


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