After a wonderful meal I suggested we take a walk and everyone agreed. It was a beautiful evening and Mike and Debbie's new house is near a very pretty golf course. Someone please remind me next time, no matter how cumbersome....I may just want to take along my zoom lens!!!
On our walk we kept finding golf balls everywhere. Marty juggled some of them he found.
Mike and Debbie.
"Helllooooo, whatcha doin'?"
Marty and me.
It was beautiful out and the reflections in the ponds on the golf course were great.

As I was heading to the other end of the pond/lake to photograph some pretty flowers nestled on the banks I stopped to take these photos on the way.
I never did make it to the end to take the photo I wanted. My biggest fear while I'm out taking photos is that I'll see or even step on a snake. Marty's always telling me I don't watch where I'm going. Right after I snapped this photo and continued walking along the water's edge I almost stepped on a huge snake laying right next to the water. He scared me and freaked me out and I went the other way and and refused to go back for the photo I wanted. Mike, Debbie and I walked in the opposite direction. Marty, of course, went over to see the snake. There were 2 laying side by side, not just one and he thinks they were water mocassins. He scared them into the water but we still refused to venture back over there. Mike was sure I could have gotten a cool photo of the snakes! I told him I didn't want to even look at pictures of the snakes!
We kept hoping the crane would stay still long enough for us to get close enough to take some good pictures of it, but he was way too skittish and kept flying off.
The cemetery on Fort Sam

Looks like a relaxing evening out. Glad you got to hang out with Mike & Debbie. =0) I love the reflections in the water.
I liked the web photo:-) And guess what: Chelsea has a PET snake that lives in the house with us! I was terrified of snakes as a kid, but don't mind them now.
I love your photos. I wish I could take pic's like you. I need a better camera and some lessons so I know what I am doing . lol Keep up the good work and I will keep coming back to look and enjoy it !
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