Verse Of The Day

Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."
John 6:35  (NIV)

Provided by Christ Notes Bible Search

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Transforming the Church into Outrigger Island

Tomorrow is the first day of VBS so today is the day the church was transformed into a tropical island. During Worship service, the pastor used the VBS memory verse, Psalm 86:11, for his sermon. He even really got into the spirit of VBS as you can see from his attire:

The service was really awesome because a family we've all been praying for went forward to join our church family and my friend Shannon went forward to share her testimony that she's accepted Christ as her personal Savior and is ready to be baptised. It really was an exciting morning for all who were present.

After worship all VBS workers and teachers stayed after church to decorate classrooms and make last minute preparations. Every year the day before it begins is a big work day for everyone.

I was busy transforming 2 combined classrooms into one large one for the crafts so Erica grabbed my camera to take photos of the work done this afternoon. Thanks, E!!!

The 2nd grade class. Judy, her grandaughter Hannah, her daughter Susan, and her co-teacher Lorelei.

The craft ladies hard at work. From the left, Shannon, my sister in law Mari (who will be helping in the pre-K class but worked with us today to prepare our class), myself and our youth helper Jessica. Jessica is my friend Judy's granddaughter and has been a VBS student for years. This is her first year as a helper and I'm very excited to have her in our class.

1st Grade. Heather will be the youth helper in this class.

Heather (I have no idea WHAT she's doing...), Tara and Denise.

The ladies in the nursery: Edith and Pat.

5th grade. Paula helped Jim decorate. Jim will be teaching this class. He's the nut with the flowers on his head:

The Worship Center transformed into Outrigger Island for VBS Worship Rally each morning this week.

Pastor Mitch as he built a bridge from the atrium to the music class.

The snack ladies enjoying a pizza break with Mathew.

Barbara, Wanda, Doris, Mathew.

I think this is the Kindergarten class. I love what they've done here!

Emma (Jessica's twin), Frances, and Alma.

3rd Grade. Angela, Kevon, Danie (love the skirt, Danie!!!)

4th grade. Joyce and Rodney.

Katie was a huge help getting crafts ready. She cut papers until her fingers hurt so we gave her a job of sorting foamies. You worked really hard today, Katie. Thank you for being such a big girl!!!

1st grade. Tara, Maggie (Denise's daughter), Heather, Denise.

The craft ladies: Jessica, myself, Angela, and Shannon; and Mari, who helped us for today.

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Hey, you're very welcome! =0) I enjoyed getting to help out a little today since I'll be missing out on the week.


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