Sorry guys I just could not keep my eyes open to finish this post last night! It was an exciting night and our boys won their first football game of the season. It was also the first district game! Final score: 29 to 23! Go Mats Go!!!!
As part of Homecoming week, there were many spirit activities held at the high school each day. Every year each class has a door decorating contest. My friend Lisa is Heather's home room teacher. Lisa and Heather asked me to help them with a "Super Mat" for their door. They wanted a Superman figure with an "M" on his chest, holding a football. I created one for them and printed him really big on several sheets of paper and sent him with Heather to be taped together. She said the kids loved him and I got an email from Lisa yesterday saying their class won the contest!!! Here's SuperMat.:

Here Marty and I are all decked out in our Matador t-shirts, ready to watch some football.

Our friend's daughter Terryn came to meet the dance team as they were warming up. This is Carley with Terryn. Thanks Carley!

Heather lined up with her team mates for the pre-game Homecoming festivities. The mums and garters are a Texas Homecoming tradition.
Heather with some of her pals. From the left: Brooke, Heather, Ashley and Carley.

Heather's section in band, the mellophones, was announced last night as the Section of the Week. Go Mellos! Heather as she performs with the band during part of the half time show:

The dance team performed their kick routine. This was the first time Heather was part of the kick routine at half time. She was sick and missed the last game. The girls did an excellent job!!! I was very impressed with how together they were.
Heather is in the center.

Heather's in the center.

Our boys in action (in black):

My friend Erica doesn't get to watch Matador football games with us this year. Her kids go to another school and her son plays football there now. Mathew's homecoming game was tonight as well, but unfortunately they lost their game. Erica and the kids joined us for coffee after the games were over. Riley was so beat she fell asleep before our food arrived. Here's Erica being her fun, goofy self. I'm glad you're enjoying your games, but we sure miss you at our games!!!
Erica's lei and the flower in Riley's hair are part of their school's spirit week:

Oh girl, you are SO lucky that I have a sense of humor!!! =0P
To Everyone Else: It was 1am by the time we left IHOP, so I was beyond my 'normal' goofy self. Heather had said something "blonde" and I was making fun of HER in that last picture!
Yeah...I guess I DID forget to caption that picture and explain didn't I??? :0)
i like the pic of u and marty, heather on the other hand needs to put some pants on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather has such long and pretty legs!! How tall is she now?
She tells me she's 5'7" and loves to rub it in that she's passed me by!!! I'm not sure she has but if not, it's very close! I think she should still be chubby-cheeked and 3 feet tall!!!
The homecoming football game was awesome.
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