Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I've been painting again! From time to time I have made a little extra money from painting projects, but most of my past projects have ended up as gifts. It's been a couple of years since I've painted anything (other than walls!) and it feels good to be creating again.

My friend Elizabeth introduced me to Etsy! I had never even heard of it before, but Etsy is an online marketplace designed to sell hand made items of all kinds. It appears to work much like ebay, but without the bidding. I decided to create my own Etsy profile and page for my paintings and see if I can sell any of the items I paint. I decided it can't hurt and it does not cost much at all to list the items! Setting up the site is free and easy! First I had to create a profile name. That was easy. I decided since my photos are known as "photos by Tammy," my profile for etsy can be "Painted by Tammy." So, to find my page, simply type in www.paintedbytammy.etsy.com or simply click here to be redirected.

Here are the latest items I have been working on, and are now listed on my etsy page...with the exception of the snowman window painting. He's already been sold and will be soon on his way to Arizona!

Snowman on an antique window, SOLD

Snowman bulletin board

Shepherds on an antique window

Dance bulletin board

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