When I was a little girl my family lived down the road from an elderly lady that became very dear to every one of us. Her name was Hazel and we saw her regularly, just as if she were family. We kept our milk cow in Hazel's pasture for a time and Mom would drive up to Hazel's bright and early each morning and go into Hazel's barn to milk the cow. She'd usually drag us kids along and we went willingly for we loved Hazel! Hazel always treated us so special and each of us even took turns spending the night at Hazel's house. It was like a slumber party there and always a special occasion. I remember most all the times Hazel would treat me to hot tea and would cook me whatever I wanted for breakfast. My sister Regina always got sardines at Hazel's house. She always kept our favorite things on hand for when we came to visit. She was like another grandma to us. We used to sew with Hazel too.
Hazel gave my brother Davy, my sister Regina and I each a dog made of patchwork material. I remember Davy named his dog "Rex," but I can't remember the names of either of the other 2.

Just before Christmas this year Regina sent me a package at a time when I was pretty down about some things. She'd found a smaller version of the pups that Hazel had made for us and she sent it to me with this note and a special memory from our childhood attached. Here's the note she sent:
Patch (pach) n. a piece of material used to mend a hole, rent, etc.; a covering for a wound.
I found this "pup" at a thrift store and thought of you--wondering if you still had yours from Hazel. Mine of course was lost in the fire a few years ago. I knew I must get it for you to go along with your other. Then I thought ...(yes it hurt--the thinking)...and longer...and deeper...(ouch--people do this on purpose???)...and thought of a better idea. You had said something a while back about remembering past good times of growing up and how that helped you because apparently you had been focusing on the bad or difficult times. So...
Reflecting on the past can be a time of healing and since the definition of patch can be a covering for a wound, I came up with a plan for "Patchwork Pup."
Any time one of us is going through a difficult time, depression, a loss, or anyting "broken" or "wounded" we are to send "Patchwork Pup" along with a special memory of the past to the other for a time of laughter and healing. It doesn't necessarily have to be about a time with Hazel...I just picked that memory because that is where our patchwork dogs originated. You can pin it, tie it, etc. Get creative.
Hope 'He' can make you smile! :0)
Love ya
I am posting this today because it is time to record a memory for Regina and send this pup back to her. Regina's house burned today, just a few short years after her family suffered the loss of their first home and all its contents in another house fire. The first time the wood burning stove malfunctioned. This time the fire is believed to be electrical. They live in an area of Missouri that was hard hit with an ice storm this week and their power has been off and on the past 2 days.
I am heart broken for my sister and for her husband Greg, my nephew Brandon and my niece Danielle. I wish I was closer so I could at least hold her hand through this horrible time. My mom told me tonight to not dare try to come home that with the storm she didn't want to worry about us on the roads. So, I sit in Texas wishing even with the storm that I were in Missouri with my family and holding on to my sister. All my sister asks is for prayers for them, prayers for guidance and what to do now. I am ever thankful that even through devastating times my family seeks God's guidance and direction.
I have not yet written my special memory for Regina to send with "Patches," but I'm thinking of sending a memory of fun times in the snow and ice. I'm thinking she needs some good memories of fun winter times to get her through what remains to be a very hard winter ahead for her.
May God bless you, Regina, and hold you close to Him.

What an awesome "gift" Regina gave you - - - not knowing how quickly she'd be needing it back. I'm so thankful for sisters - whether by blood or by hearts.
We're praying for them!!!
I am definitely praying for your sister--I can't imagine how she is feeling!!
What a wonderful blessing to both of you, and a beautiful message she sent. Please let her know that she is in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days and weeks. She's my "sister" too, just as you are my sister!
Hi, I am so sorry to hear about Regina's House I wish I myself was closer to help. But my thoughts are with them. Bobby and Marie Told me about it this morning I wish i could help.
I remember Hazel too...
What a BEAUTIFUL note Regina sent you...you are SO blessed to have a sister like that...and she to have you.
I heard about the fire last night...our prayers are with Regina and her family...what a terrible loss.
What a sentimental idea. I know how it feels when you feel "helpless" living so far away. I'll keep Regina in my prayers.
I am so sorry to hear of your sister's loss. Please let her know that prayers are going up for her and her family from Kentucky.
I loved the idea she sent you with the "patches" dog and how it represents healing in your life. WOW,very touching.
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