Monday, August 8, 2011

Tube Time!

Our great friends John and Kendra and family have recently moved back to Texas and we are THRILLED to have them nearby again!!! Summer is quickly slipping by but we all took a break from weekend chores and they took a break from unpacking and getting settled to meet at our favorite place on the river. By the looks of it, it must also be a favorite place for many many people!






John & Kendra:

How I've missed my friends while they were stationed in Maryland!
Kendra and me:

My hunny and me:

The river was PACKED but still so fun!

There was much splashing...

...and even an attempt to stand up in my tube! Tada!

We are enjoying having such good friends closer to us again and look forward to making many more memories together!

Welcome home John and Kendra! We ♥ You!!!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Glad to be back home and near such good friends again! Love the fact your flexible with your chores as we are sooo spur of the moment people! It was a great weekend of Food and Fun! Thanks for joining us:)


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